Paris, France – Pavel Durov, the well-known founder and CEO of Telegram, finds himself embroiled in a complex legal battle in France. After spending four days in police custody, Durov has been placed under formal investigation by the French authorities for multiple criminal charges. This development comes after his arrest on August 24 at Le Bourget Airport in Paris. Released on bail set at €5 million (around $5.6 million), Durov is required to remain in France and report to the police twice a week as the investigation unfolds.
What Are the Charges Against Pavel Durov?
Durov is under scrutiny for several severe allegations:
- Complicity in storing and distributing child sexual abuse material (CSAM)
- Facilitating drug trafficking
- Enabling organized fraud and other illegal transactions
- Non-compliance with cryptographic registration requirements
The Paris criminal court’s decision to place Durov under formal investigation indicates a significant suspicion of wrongdoing, although it does not guarantee a trial. In the French legal system, a formal investigation is a procedural step that could lead to a trial, provided there is sufficient evidence.
Origins of the Investigation: How It Began
The probe into Telegram and Durov’s involvement started in February 2024. A preliminary investigation was launched by the Paris court following concerns raised by multiple French agencies, including the National Office for Minors (OFMIN) and the organized crime national court’s cybercrime section (JUNALCO). These agencies pointed to Telegram’s involvement in several cases linked to child pornography, drug trafficking, and hate speech.
French authorities have been particularly troubled by Telegram’s lack of cooperation with law enforcement. According to Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau, Telegram’s failure to respond to multiple judicial requests played a significant role in escalating the investigation.
The Role of Content Moderation: A Key Issue for Telegram
One of the core issues in this case is Telegram’s approach to content moderation. The platform, which boasts 950 million monthly active users, is operated by a small team of around 30 engineers, according to Durov. Critics argue that this lack of moderation allows illegal activities to proliferate, from CSAM distribution to drug trafficking and organized fraud.
The investigation has revealed that Telegram was used to lure underage girls into creating child pornography, which suspects then threatened to release on social media. Despite requests from French authorities to identify suspects, Telegram allegedly ignored these demands, further complicating its legal standing.
Money Laundering Allegations and Cryptocurrency Concerns
In addition to the existing charges, Durov is also facing allegations of money laundering. These charges may be related to Telegram’s cryptocurrency features, such as its digital currency called Stars, which can be converted into Toncoin — a cryptocurrency that can be traded on various exchanges. Concerns have been raised that Telegram did not adhere to “Know Your Customer” (KYC) regulations, potentially facilitating money laundering through these features.
Legal Defense: What Are Durov’s Lawyers Saying?
David-Olivier Kaminski, Durov’s lawyer, has dismissed the charges as “completely absurd,” arguing that it is unreasonable to hold a platform executive accountable for crimes committed by users without their direct involvement. However, this defense has yet to address why Telegram ignored direct requests from law enforcement regarding serious allegations like CSAM.
What’s Next for Telegram and Pavel Durov?
Given the complexity and gravity of the charges, this investigation is expected to be lengthy, potentially spanning several months or even more than a year. During this time, Durov must remain in France. The outcome could have significant repercussions for both Durov and Telegram’s operations, affecting its global user base and its standing in the tech world.
The Implications for the Tech Industry
This case could set a critical precedent for how governments around the world deal with tech companies, particularly those that prioritize user privacy and encryption. It also highlights the challenges faced by platforms like Telegram in balancing user privacy with compliance with national and international laws.
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